What are Chakras? benefits and meditations.
The Chakra system stems from ancient India and teaches us that we have 7 core energy centers that if they aren’t balanced and open, we might experience a variety of hardships in life.
3D, 4D and 5D view of what is happening on Planet Earth in 2020
In the spiritual world there’s been a lot of talk about 3D, 4D and 5D, but what does that even mean? What does “ascending into thee 5D” mean and how do we do that?
Summer Solstice - 20th June 2020 - Spiritual Ceremony
Summer Solstice is an annual event which is an amazing occasion to go inwards and reflect. What are your intentions for the next coming months? How did you spend your previous months?
How to start Journaling
Journaling is the gateway to getting to know yourself and learning to love yourself. It ‘s a way for your subconscious mind to come to surface and show you what has been hidden within you.
Small Acts of Kindness
Be kind to others and receive the same. Caring is sharing love and compassion. Law of Attraction will always work in your favor!