3D, 4D and 5D view of what is happening on Planet Earth in 2020

Summary 3D, 4D, 5D

There are a lot of words to describe the year of 2020 but boring isn't one of them. 

A lot has happened and will continue to happen. People don't know what to think, feel or do anymore. I summarised what is happening on earth from a 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional (and spiritual) viewpoint. 

By no means is this post complete there's an unlimited amount of other things and aspects that I could've included but I tried to keep it concise and bring us back to the main points on which we should keep our focus to ensure that *actual* change is happening + we still stay sane.


First, what are dimensions

Dimensions aren't places or locations, they are levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Every dimension has its own different lessons and challenges. Every time you rise up, you vibrate higher and therefor you shift dimensions. The higher you go, the clearer you see reality and attain a greater level of knowing. You feel more powerful and experience more freedom. 


3D = The Physical Plane, Everything we can experience with our 5 senses (see, hear, touch, taste, smell). This is what most people call their reality. ⠀⠀⠀

4D = Gateway to 5D, Awakening, Learning and Un-learning

5D = Transcendence, Mastery

3D - The Physical Plane⠀

Here we only believe things that we can “prove” with our 5 senses. We needed to isolate in order to reflect about ourselves, our behaviours and life. It was never about the plandemic, it was always about us needing time to go back into our shell, having time for ourselves so that we are ready to level up in the next months and years (4D + 5D).

You probably feel like the world is getting worse and worse but it’s not. Corruption, oppression, hatred, violence and other horrible things have always been going on since the beginning of human history! YOU ARE NOW JUST SEEING IT MORE THAN EVER! You are waking up! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

❌ The first step of change is always awareness. So we need to be aware of the horrible things going on in order to change them!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Because the history goes so far back, I’m not taking about your great-grandmother, I’m talking centuries back, you are healing ancestral trauma. You are healing your ancestors pain. You are healing the pain of the WHOLE WORLD.

That’s why life might feel  so heavy / weird right now! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

❌ We are focusing on our black brothers and sisters and THIS WILL NEVER STOP!!! Know, because those in control of the world used their power since the beginning of history it will take time to change the world. It doesn‘t just happen in 1 week!

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US is playing a role in this!

All the protests, donations, signing petitions, educating ourselves and others, speaking up all of this is SO IMPORTANT!! DO IT AND NEVER STOP!!

From a 3D view: we need everything that is happening to happen, in order to change it! Trust that things are not getting worse, you are just seeing more of what has always been going on. 
And now, THROUGH OUR ACTIONS, we are changing this world! Putting in the work, every single day, one day at a time!


4D - Awakening, The Gateway to 5D

We first need to go through 4D in order to get to 5D (transcendence). The fourth dimension is about waking up. Waking up to the truth of what is happening. 

You start seeing reality. You go from brainwashed to waking up. You start to see the truth of that we are all one. We are all connected.

You start becoming aware of who is in power of the 3D. Who has power over the world?

Who controls the media? (Answer: 6 corporations own ALL of the media, research it!).

Who controls the financial system? How does it actually work? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Who is in control of the educational system and decides how humans behave on earth? 

When you first start waking up (spiritually and from the Matrix) it is still easy to fall back into 3D thinking. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

It’s easy to go back into fearful thinking. Of falling into worrying, stressing, hating and other low vibrational patterns. But you know more than ever before that there is more to life than what meets the eye. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

❌ Lesson: CHANGE YOUR THINKING. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Your thoughts are incredibly powerful and change the way you perceive life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

❌ You wake up to your own inner power. You realise that you decide how you want to feel and respond to external events.

Remember, you can’t control external situations, you can only control how you respond to them! In 4D you have more compassion and understanding for the „good“ and „bad“.

It‘s important to fill your life with actions and people you enjoy being with. You start researching about the 3D world as well as the spiritual realm. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

❌Your INTUITION is heightened and you listen to it more than ever before! You recognise it’s power!

Right now everyone is reflecting on their thinking and how their past conditioning has hurt other people and Planet Earth.

This is just the beginning!

Continue questioning your belief patterns as well as what you have been thought. Nothing is as it seems. Always lead with love and compassion.

Listen to you intuition, that’s how you cultivate it’s power!


5D - Transcendence


In this simplified break down of what is happening in 2020 into 3 main dimensions, the fifth dimension is kinda like enlightenment and where we want to go. 


We want to live in a world that leads with lovecompassion and understanding. In order to do that we need to be aware of every area where this is not the case (3D) and then we need to take action to change it. To change ourselves, others and the system (3D + 4D). 


❌ 5D is the truth that we are all one. That love is always the answer. That we are more than our bodies, thoughts and feelings, we are consciousness experiencing itself


Consciousness = that which perceives everything. 

You experience pure consciousness during meditation, breath work, when you’re in a flow state while doing something you love. While watching a breathtaking sunrise / sunset etc 

In this realm there is no such thing as past, present and future. There is only what exists in that very moment. And the only thing that exists right now is you experiencing this moment. Nothing more and nothing less. (Not loosing yourself in thoughts about politics, environment etc, just focusing on your breath). 


❌ When you’re in 5D you feel more connected with all your surroundings. You feel more love and compassion for EVERYONE. 


This doesn’t mean that you condone bad, toxic and abusive behaviour, but that you understand that everything they’re doing is a cry for love and acceptance. 


You see that “good” and “bad” are two ends of the same spectrum. 

The spectrum itself is still just one. We are all one. Yes, we are experiencing life in our individual bodies but we are all connected through our spirit. Through our consciousness. Because we ourselves are the very thing. WE ourselves ARE CONSCIOUSNESS. 

The “good” and “bad” are expressions of the same thing. When you fully accept one you can understand the other. 


Life is a paradox, that’s why this is very difficult to accept and understand, and if you don’t agree with this post that’s completely okay!! 


What we have to do is to lead with love, compassion and understanding. Trusting that we’re creating a new and better earth right now! We need to hold the higher frequency of love AND DO the following things to ensure that change in the physical realm takes place as well: 

STAND UP, protest, educate ourselves and others, sign petitions, talk with others about everything that is not okay and telling other if they’re behaving in a way that is not okay. Educate yourself and others to do better. Today, tomorrow and EVERY SINGLE DAY. 


In 5D you have the awareness that we are all one and all connected and together we get to create a new reality right now. 


So let’s get get together and create a New Earth right now! Take action and always hold your frequency high! See the bigger picture and let’s focus on our goal. To work TOGETHER. And BE TOGETHER. LOVE IS THE ANSWER. WE ARE ALL LOVE.


xx Nikita


What are Chakras? benefits and meditations.


Summer Solstice - 20th June 2020 - Spiritual Ceremony