Our 5th Women’s Retreat is coming soon!

4 days of emotional, body based (Somatic) Healing, spiritual ceremonies, teachings about feminine energy & much more

Share with us what your Dream Retreat would entail and be the first to hear about our upcoming Retreat!

Hear from previous Retreat Attendees

"The retreat is definitely something that I will never forget. It doesn't matter where you stand in your life: just being surrounded by like-minded people, close to nature and having your day planned out is something that everyone should experience.

What made it even more special was the passion and love that was put in every detail of the retreat. You can feel Nikita's fire that can light up every room. It's easy to get comfortable with her even if you are feeling nervous or unsure.

The ceremonies provided a sacred and nurturing space, allowing us to delve deep within ourselves, connect with our inner beings, and tap into the wisdom of ourselves. It was a beautiful and powerful way to explore ourselves.

It provided a perfect balance of introspection, growth, and rejuvenation. If you're seeking a transformational and unique experience that combines ceremonies, tantric breathwork exercises, yoga, and more, I wholeheartedly recommend this retreat.

The retreat is so transformative and I can still feel it in every cell of my body."


The Retreat was a a huge shift because I really intended to release old trauma and old stories and I was really able to rewrite the story and get through some big things. 

I felt like the retreat was such a safe place, such a holy experience to be here. 

I felt safe to release everything that didn’t serve me anymore and step into a new version of myself and embracing my greatness, my sexuality and deeply deeply connect with myself. 

The love that I feel for myself and I truly feel that this was such a deep experience, I was really able to transform myself. It was beyond words actually and I was really amazed that everything was just so aligned, such a sacred experience. 

We went through emotional ceremonies, we went through sexual + pleasure ceremonies. It was like totally complete and (Nikita and the Team) thought about everything and I truly truly recommend to attend it.”

- Gerie

“I don‘t even know where to start. It was an extremely deep deep experience and you know for how long I was waiting for the retreat and I feel so honored that I could be a part of it. It‘s so magical and so beautiful what you have created.

Creating that space where we can build a sisterhood and where we can exchange and meet each other on a different level and I have friends that I know since years that I haven’t gone so deep with / have seen me so deeply. 

I am so so deeply grateful for this experience! I didn’t expect to feel such a connection with my womb and with my yoni.. AMAZINGG.. INCREDIBLE. You were there, you felt it, you touched me (on her shoulders) and you sent me a lot of love and it really blew my mind away. 

I felt so connected with every single part of my body.

- Claudia

My experience was freeing. There was so much joy, playfulness, connection, silliness.

The sisterhood is an amazing extra gift you get. The laughter, playfulness, the caring, the being there for each other,

I feel a lot of confidence, trust and groundedness. I feel carried by me/the earth/my surrounding/ life and it's freeing. It's calm, it's quiet and loud at the same time. When I feel connected, i feel everything. It's all there and it's beautiful.”

- Lisa