Surrender doesn’t mean giving up your power. It doesn’t mean falling back and passively looking at life.

It means taking ownership for what you desire and creating space for it to happen in its own divine way.

Its means releasing push & force.

It’s an invitation to slowly dance and release fear and scarcity through 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 yourself and life.

Making space for the Universe / Life to give you even better opportunities than you could’ve ever imagined by yourself.

And still showing up and taking aligned action.

Being in a beautiful harmony of being + embodying what you want.

And not obsessing over it.

A sacred co-creation vs. over compensation of a fear 😉

For me surrendering means connecting deeper with myself and with spirit + source.

Going after what I desire WITH my Body, my Heart, my Soul & the Guidance of Spirit.

Not against them.

Connecting deeper with WHAT I want, WHY I want it & it‘s IMPACT.

And most importantly KNOWING deep WITHIN that I am divinely taken care of and it will all work out in its perfect way.

Making space for miracles.

I N N E R E M B O D I M E N T.

For me surrendering is actually taking my power back as I place it into the present moment instead of trying to find „safety“ in my mind by lowering for something less than what I desire.

Where do you desire to release the pressure in your mind & surrender more? 🌹


Somatic Healing and the Mind-Body Connection


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