88 Lionsgate Portal - What is it and how to use it for your benefit (incl. meditation)

The Lionsgate Portal is active from the end of July until mid-August every year. It reaches its peak on the 8th and 9th of August

In this time we are very close to the star Sirius, which is one of the brightest stars that we see from Planet Earth. 

Sirius is considered our spiritual sun which warms us and gives us energy in a spiritual sense the way our sun in our solar system gives energy to us humans on Earth. As this is the time that it's closest to us, it is showering us with a lot of higher frequencies. Intense, powerful energy is what we're receiving! 


This is a time for manifesting, abundance, courage and freedom. As well as standing in our power and owning our power (WILLPOWER), think Solar Plexus Chakra. 


If you've been feeling tired, having headaches, backaches, crackling joints that's because our DNA is being activated and upgraded. This shift isn't only happening in the spiritual realm but physically as well!


Watch the video above to learn more about this powerful portal and tips and tricks on how to work best with this powerful energy! 


The most important thing to do :

  • drink a lot of water

  • make time for yourself

  • focus on breathing (inhale and exhale deeply, do breathwork and / or meditate)

  • be as much in nature + in the sun as you can

  • meditate on the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Heart Chakra (see below)


The Solar Plexus Chakra is all about our inner power, willpower, standing up for ourselves, courage, freedom, confidence and trusting our inner knowing. (See below for meditation.)

The Heart Chakra is here to remind us that no matter what happened in the past, we are always worthy of love. Real love is unconditional and you don't need to do anything in order to "deserve" love. You are love itself. Treat yourself and others with love and compassion, ALWAYS. (See below for meditation.)


Ideas for meditation: 

Below you'll see two meditations, I recommend you record yourself while reading the meditation and then meditate to your recording. 

Your voice is designed to heal yourself, your cells, your DNA, your soul, all parts of YOU! That's why I recommend listening to yourself. 


Focus on fire and lion energy. On breaking through any and all barriers you've ever set for yourself and to rise up. Owning your power and knowing that you are more than enough. 


Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

Click here for the frequencies of the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

Listen to it while doing the following meditation:

Sit down comfortably and take deep, slow and controlled breaths in and out. With every inhale you breathe in peace and with every exhale you release any tension you might be holding in your body. 

Start seeing a yellow ball of light emerging from the core of your being. You can imagine it being a sun. 

Now with every breath the sun gets bigger and bigger and starts radiating more and more light. 

See how you are becoming the sun itself. 

You are the light. You are the sun. You radiate vastly. 

We need your beautiful energy in this world. You are strong and powerful. You are worthy. We love you. And we are so grateful for you. 

See how this sun is radiating more and more and lighting up everything around her. 

Let yourself feel the joy that arises. Let yourself feel the tears of gratitude and immerse yourself in it. You are gratitude itself! 

You are worthy. So so worthy. You are perfect the way you are. 

Keep breathing into this beautiful light. 

When you feel ready, slowly come back into the present moment. Caress your whole body. Give thanks to every single body part of yours.

Thank yourself for being you and doing everything you are doing. Gently open your eyes and remember that you can tap into this level of exhilaration anytime you want to.

Beauty is always present. Love is always present. Worthiness is always present. 


Heart Chakra Meditation:

Click here and let this play in the background as you do the following meditation: 

Put your hands on your heart, close your eyes and start taking deep, slow and controlled breaths in and out.

See a green light emerging at the center of your chest. It slowly opens up your heart and you see how this light gets bigger and bigger. 

Repeat "I am love." 100 times or as many times as you get to. Either repeat it in your mind or say it out loud. 

Really allow yourself to drop into your heart and feel the "I am love." Mantra. 

You are love and you are so loved. You are always worthy of love. You always have been worthy of love and you always will be worthy of love. You don't need to do or achieve anything in order to "deserve" love. 

You already are love. You embody it. Love flows though your body.  


You can hold a fire ceremony (in a safe place) where you right down on a piece of paper what you want to let go off and then burn it away. Really feel how that part of you is leaving you and your energetic field! 


There are a lot of different ways you can work with this powerful energy, the most important thing is to actually make time for yourself and to drop into yourself and focus on your breathing and being in the sun. The higher frequencies are entering your energetic field already, what you need is grounding so that the higher frequencies can help you achieve your goals with even more ease. 


Want to learn more about Chakras? Join the free 7 days of Chakra Introduction here


I wish you a beautiful Lionsgate Ceremony and let me know how it goes via DM on Instagram @soulcoachnikita


xx Nikita 


The last 3 months of 2020


What are Chakras? benefits and meditations.