4 Steps to move from Stuck to Unstuck

Let's be honest, no one really likes being in the state of feeling stuck. 

It feels "meh", weird, you want to get out of it as fast as possible but while you're in there you have no clue what to do.


End of October until about mid November this is exactly how I felt. Mostly in regards of my business as I am niching down a bit more into working with inner feminine and masculine energies (No matter what gender, everyone has feminine and masculine energies and we have to make sure we balance them so we don't struggle unnecessarily and heal our inner child wounds. - more to this coming soon.)


I had no idea where to start and it felt like my brain suddenly stopped working. I wasn't able to do what I knew would bring my business further, I wasn't thinking clearly and I didn't feel like myself at all. Just sooooo weird!!

Are you feeling the same? Watch the video above and continue reading to see what I did to get out of it and how I changed my thinking about feeling stuck.


1. Accept that you're feeling stuck.

I knoooww, I can already see you rolling your eyes, but resistance always comes from not accepting where you are. And if you don't accept your resistance you just create more resistance.

You know deep down that this is just a phase but you want to get out of it asap. And you wanting to leave it asap shows that you haven't fully accepted it.

I encourage you to make a timer of 3 min (yes, you do have 3 minutes!) and start to inhale deeply, slowly and controlled through your nose and exhale fully through your mouth.

Repeat a few times and now start tuning into the feeling of being stuck. Not knowing where you're going. And I know, this feeling is uncomfortable af and you want to run away from it. But running away never solves the problem.

So tune into that feeling. Continue breathing deeply, slowly and controlled into that feeling. Feel how it starts moving in your body. Allow yourself to move with it. Let it move and how it wants to move. Circle your hips, move your arms, scream, whatever your body wants to do, ALLOW it. Allow yourself to surrender to yourself.  


2. Start writing 📝

Get a pen and paper and just start writing. You don't need to know what you want to write about. Your soul will take over once you hold the pen in your hand. 

Start with: "Thank you that I am healthy. Thank you for my amazing, loving family and friends. Thank you that I get to witness this beautiful day today. Thank you that I have food to eat and can move my body.".

Go on and on with your gratitude list and at some point whatever needs to come out will flow out by itself (e.g. being hurt about something, not wanting to feel stuck, feeling behind in life etc.) ❤️


3. Allow yourself to not do ANYTHING!

Yupp, you heard me right. In society we've been conditioned to think that we always need to do something in order to be successful and if we aren't productive we are "lazy"

Nope, nope nope, we are reprogramming ourselves and deleting this concept from our brain.

I noticed I mainly just needed to allow myself to not do anything, I loveee working especially on my business as it's my little baby and my dream coming true but this was a sign of the universe reminding me to calm down. You have all the time in the world and taking care of yourself and sometimes not doing anything is VERY important! 

With doing nothing, I mean nothing. Not even educational YouTube videos or reading a book! 

Be in your own energy. Feel your own energy. Go for a walk in nature. Focus on your breath. And literally just BE. 

It's called Human BE-ing for a reason ;)


4. Ask for higher guidance

Your spirit guides are always with you. Your highest self is always here to support you. At any given moment you have the possibility to tap in and ask them for guidance. 

In the past I didn't want to ask for help, neither my spirit guides nor my friends. I didn't want to be a burden for those around me. But the thing is, you have them around you so they can support you right?

And I'm sure you also loooveee supporting those around you as well!

So I changed my thinking about my "fear of asking for help" by reminding myself that I love helping others as well and kept overcoming it by asking for help and accepting it when it was offered. 


Back to asking your spirit guides: 

You can say a simple invocation like: 

"Dear Spirit Guides, dear Universe, thank you for everything. Thank you that I am healthy. Thank you for my amazing family and friends. Please guide me with how I should move on with (insert your current situation). Please show me my next steps. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Observe how your state of being shifts. Open yourself up to any signs that might come through. It could be by your friend saying something, specific lyrics from a song, seeing an animal outside etc. 

Trust that what comes through is what is meant for you. 


You are exactly where you need to be. In every given moment. It is all a part of the journey. Trust and surrender. Especially when surrendering feels like the hardest thing to do. That's when it's most important. 


Make sure to share this post with someone who could benefit from hearing these reminders 💜.

xx Nikita


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