Why we need to be BRUTALLY HONEST with ourselves

Let’s be honest, it feels a lot nicer for the ego to think that “xyz” wasn’t your fault and that you always do everything right.

But we aren’t doing this anymore. No, we’re setting an end to bullshitting ourselves and lying to ourselves.

We’re stepping up and taking personal responsibility and being brutally honest with ourselves.

This is the only way we can truly change what we want to change and heal from our past wounds.

Watch the video above to learn why it’s inevitable to be brutally honest at this point in time and how to do it.

Following are a few questions to get you started.

Be brutally honest with yourself when answering them and make sure you take some time for it. This is about reflection and going inward. You won’t need to show the answers to anyone, so please, write down the uncomfortable truth no matter how much your ego tries to run away from it.

Do I love myself?

What do I like about myself?

What do I not like about myself?

What do I wish I could "erase" from my personality / my past?

Why do I feel this way about it (response to the upper question)?

What are my own toxic traits that I have?

How do I react when something feels uncomfortable? (e.g. victim role, shame myself, get angry or sad etc.)

What characteristics / habits do I want to acquire? How will I do that?

How do I talk to myself? Would I talk the same way to my best friend?

Do I believe in myself?

Do encourage myself? Am I my own biggest supporter and fan?

Do I say "Thank you" to myself and others? Am I grateful?

Am I always honest with myself and others?

Do I always speak my truth?

Am I addicted to something? (e.g. drugs, alcohol, gym, sex, gossip etc.)

Do I treat others the way I want to be treated?

Do I give myself what I want to receive form others? (e.g. respect, love, compassion, acceptance etc.)

What are my deepest fears? What would happen if they came true?

What do I still need to learn?

What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?

Sending you a beautiful time of going inward ✨

xx Nikita


A Thought and a Feeling are only as real as you make it!


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